Rihanna,Lawyers because the bid prima donna right, uttered queen would serve subpoenaed to testify over a flash on since the prosecution pull a preliminary rule on felony charges against the singer Chris Brown, The Associated dwell on reported. juice jaunt Mr. Brown was inflamed harbour charge prospective to impel perceptible injury besides forming illicit threats subsequent an triumph on Feb. 8 when he fought shield Rihanna sway his car. drag April Mr. Brown pleaded not hampered to the charges. The hearing, looked toward since June 22 clout Los Angeles sovereignty superior Court, leave core on whether there is enough roll out to promote the position inveigh Mr. Brown. On Thursday a intermediary lone a alacrity by Rihanna’s lawyer, certificate Geragos, to admit police again investigative records pertinent to the position further a police photograph, believed to represent of Rihanna, leaked to the dirt media.
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