Lindsay Dee Lohan, an , model and pop music singer.
No longer a wanted woman, Lindsay Lohan apparently felt it safe to finally show her face on this sunshiny day.
The beleaguered starlet—the object of a $50,000 arrest warrant issued Friday night and rescinded this morning after a judge deemed Lohan's behavior A-OK—emerged from gal-pal Samantha Ronson's Hollywood home at 1:20 p.m.
Accompanied by her assistant and a security team, Lohan wordlessly sidestepped a horde of paparazzi and fans and climbed into a waiting vehicle. Then it was off to an alcohol-education class at Right On Programs in Glendale.
"You would think it was President Obama in there," one onlooker told E! News. "The security guards were decked out in black suits, earpieces, sunglasses. They looked like secret service."
Lohan hadn't been seen since she arrived at Ronson's pad at about 4:30 a.m. on Saturday.
Instead, Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Marsha Revel has determined that Lohan was in compliance with the terms of her sentence for a pair of 2007 DUIs but had failed to provide the proper proof to her court-ordered alcohol treatment program.
It is now Lohan's responsiblity to make sure everyone is on the same page about her treatment, Revel said.
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